Saturday, November 27, 2010

I Always Wanted an Erector Set

And all I ever got was a set of stupid Lincoln Logs. Read all about my trauma on my new Squidoo lens, Retro Gifts for Kids.

Pictured: Erector Multi Model Construction Set from

How Much Do You Love Marbles?

A great idea for a stocking stuffer. It will give a nice heft to the toe of the stocking, and you sure can't beat the price.

More Retro Stocking Stuffers at Retro Toys Make Great Stocking Stuffers

Pictured: Marble Set from Only $1.59.

Fisher Price Chatter Telephone

Did you know they still make these? Do kids know what they're supposed to represent?

 For these and other great retro gifts for babies and toddlers, see my new Squidoo lens, Retro Toys for Babies and Toddlers.

Pictured: the Fisher Price Classic Chatter Telephone from Amazon.

I wish it was my birthstone, but it isn't.

(Not that I feel constrained about wearing other people's birthstones or anything.)

But I do love citrine. And I think this is just beautiful.

It's the Citrine and Diamond Acorn Pendant from Amazon.What do you think? Love it or hate it?

There's a lot more citrine -- and all the other birthstones as well, of course -- on my new Squidoo lens about Birthstone Jewelry.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Disney Princess Watches

What little girl doesn't love the Disney Princesses? These are actually some of the more affordable items of the Princess line. I'm pretty sure that this is the same model Cinderella watch that was popular when I was a young girl, 50-some years ago. It's still pretty neat.

I've made a lens just about Disney Princess Watches

The Sing-a-Ma-Jigs

I wonder just how long it's gonna be before I break down and buy one of these for myself. I keep picking them up and playing with them in the stores, and I have to admit, I'm just fascinated. Not sure whether I love 'em or hate 'em.

Pretty darn cute, huh? This is the Blue Sing-a-Ma-Jig, and there are several more colors. Apparently, they all sing different songs.

I've featured this little guy on my Squiddo lens, The Top Ten Toys This Christmas. There's even a little video you can watch.

If I was a little girl, I would WANT THIS

The new Disney movie, Tangled, appears to be just amazing. I can hardly wait to see it. And if I was a little girl, I would definitely want her play tower.

I've made a new lens about all the neat stuff that Disney has out there -- just in time for Christmas. You can see it here: Rapunzel is the Newest Disney Princess.

Pictured above: the Disney Rapunzel Tower from Amazon.

I Have Other Interests, Too

Just because I generally only blog about stuff-to-buy doesn't mean I don't have other interests. Here's a lens I made about the articles I've published on Associated Content.

I also made a lens about some other articles I've liked on Associated Content.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

It's Time to Think Calendars

2011 is almost upon us, and if you don't get your new calendar now, you'll have fewer designs to choose from. Great calendars sell out early. I've set up a few Squidoo lenses for 2011 calendars -- take a look and see what you like.

My lenses so far are: 2011 Cat Calendars, 2011 Art Calendars, and 2011 Nature Calendars. Keep watching for the new lenses!

Pictured: M.C. Escher 2011 Calendar from

I Love These Turkey Aprons

I've recently discovered the website, and I'm mad about it. You can design pretty much anything you want to, but if you're a non-creative sort, like me, you can just pick out something that somebody else has designed.

They have a wild collection of Thanksgiving Aprons -- I just love these.

Pictured: Funny Thanksgiving Apron from